All Categories > I'm a Mentor > Mentor Basics
Two-factor authentication (2FA) will provide security to your Codementor account and your payout settings. Once two-factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted to enter a verification code…
Updated 6 years ago
Here are some tips: Go online frequently to rank higher on our expert pages.. Make sure that your profile is filled with all relevant information about your background, experience, and skills. Please…
Updated 2 years ago
In addition to providing live 1:1 live mentoring help, there are other ways for you to be active as a mentor on Codementor. You can write tutorials which can increase your exposure while providing me…
Updated 5 years ago
Allowlist is a list of prioritized expertise tags you wish to receive notifications when a new request with tags from the list is added. Once you've added expertise tags to your allowlist, you'll onl…
Updated 3 years ago
The " Featured " tag highlights great mentors who’ve been providing consistent experiences for our users. It takes account of the sessions and jobs you have had over the past 2 weeks, and each week,…
Yes, if you're unavailable to take requests at the moment, please turn on the Vacation Mode on your availability page so that you will not receive any incoming requests. When vacation mode is turned…
Updated 4 years ago
If you're a mentor, you can switch to Mentee Mode after clicking on the drop-down menu at the top right of your Dashboard. This allows you to have the same features available as your clients.
It’s possible that a user/client/mentor may dispute the results/payment from a mentorship session or freelance job. Here are some suggestions for preventing and handling disputes. Before Starting a S…
Live Session. To issue a refund for a live session, please go to your Session History page, click on the session you'd like to refund, and then click on " ISSUE REFUND " button. After clicking, a ref…
On the request detail page, you can write a short message to the client. This is your chance to not only tell the client you're interested in helping with their problem, but also learn more about it.…
How you can help. As the world works to prevent COVID-19 from spreading and to help those affected by it, we've created a new page featuring developers who are willing to help organizations working o…
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