Manage your account settings, personal info and social accounts


You can change/update your account settings, personal information and also change your social account connections by clicking:

  1. "Account & Settings" under the left side column from your dashboard,

  1. then the "Manage My Account" ("Accounts & Payouts" for mentors) link near the top left,
    for users:

  1. for mentors:

  1. You'll then be navigated to another page, where you can change the below info from each designated section -

  • a. Account settings: You may change two-Factor Authentication (for mentors only), email address, username, password, and also delete your account from here.

  • b. Personal info: You may change your profile photo, account name, timezone, and languages you're proficient in.

  • c. Social Accounts: Connect/Disconnect your social accounts.

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